Tuesday, June 7, 2011

2 Week Post-Cast Follow-up

On Friday we took Sydney to UNC for a followup with her hand surgeon.  Her doctor is, most importantly, pleased with the way her hands are healing.  I think her words to describe her left hand were "like a dream".  Her right hand, however, still has a little work to go.  We have noticed pretty much since her casts came off that her right ring finger and middle finger were not bending when she grasped things, especially the ring finger.  In addition, they are both curving inward, trying to go back to the way they were formed.  The doctor basically told us that it is what it is to a certain extent.  She said we can most likely have more surgery done as she grows, but I'm hoping it is maybe something that Sydney can decide if she wants done or not. 

In the meantime, the doctor sent us to a physical therapist who specializes in working with children.  Once we finally found where in the world we were supposed to go (in the main UNC Hospital), we met with a great PT.  She made a splint for Sydney to wear while sleeping.  It is something she is going to have to start out in small increments of time (about 15 minutes to start with) and we will gradually increase the time until she wears it at all times while sleeping.  We are not sure if the splint will help or not, but we are willing to give it a try for sure.

We go back to see Sydney's surgeon in August, after she returns from maternity leave!

Happy baby in the waiting room

Splint taped on her hand

All done and ready to head to the BEACH!